Re: [css3-page] Idea for simplier page-margin boxes

Le 25/03/2013 23:43, Robert O'Callahan a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Håkon Wium Lie <
> <>> wrote:
>     Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>       > I believe this would be more like
>       > @page :left div.pagenum { position: pagebox:
>       >      left: 8%; top: 3%;
>       >      content: counter(page) }
>       > @page :right div.pagenum { position: pagebox:
>       >      right: 8%; top: 3%;
>       >      content: counter(page) }
>       > Using positioning, you can get rid of the need to set text-align.
>     That's shorter. Good. But you still don't align with the page area.
>     And people will run into overlap/overflow issues, as we know they do
>     with abspos.
> As far as I can tell, the current language in the spec

Do you mean in the css3-page editor’s draft? The algorithm is the same 
is in this month’s working draft:

> would cause the title and page number to overlap under exactly the
> same conditions as the proposed positioning feature (i.e. when the
> width of the title plus twice the width of the page number are
> greater than the page area width).

That is not the case. If all three boxes (eg. @top-left, @top-center and 
@top-right) have 'width: auto', they never overlap. (There might be 
overflow if there is too wide unbreakable content, aka. 'min-content' or 
minimum preferred width.)

Simon Sapin

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 08:57:23 UTC