Re: [css3-break] How should this break? (breaks in the margin area)

Mihai Balan a écrit :
> Hello Elika, Rossen & everybody,
> I have a question regarding an edge-case for unforced breaks that
> doesn’t seem to be specified anywhere. What happens when an unforced
> break occurs in the middle of the margin of the last child of a block
> container that has a border? You can see this scenario in [1], with
> multi-col. Should the part of the margin*after*  the break be
> discarded (Gecko[2]) or should it be preserved (WebKit[3],
> Opera[4])? And more importantly, what part of this spec (if any)
> describes this case?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mihai
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]


I believe that a strict reading of css3-break gives no break opportunity 
within this margin: it is neither Class 1 (between siblings) Class 2 
(between line boxes) nor Class 3 (no gap between the margin edge of the 
last child and the content edge of the container.)

A "correct" rendering would find an earlier break between line boxes of 
the paragraph.

Usually, margin collapsing means that big margins end up between 
siblings, at Class 1 break opportunities. But here the border "prevents" 
margin collapsing.

Should the spec add more break opportunities for this case? Or is my 
reading wrong?

Simon Sapin

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 14:34:28 UTC