Re: [css3-text] behavior of 'text-justify: none' is undefined

On 06/17/2013 09:02 AM, John Daggett wrote:
> The definition given for the 'none' value of 'text-justify' is simply
> "justification is disabled".  So what is the behavior of the
> 'text-align' in this case?
>    text-align: justify;
>    text-justify: none;
> Should 'text-align' revert to it's initial value in this case
> (i.e. 'start')?

No, this sentence applies, just as if there were no expansion
opportunities within the text:

   # If the inline contents of a line cannot be stretched to the
   # full width of the line box, then they must be aligned as
   # specified by the ‘text-align-last’ property.

I can clarify that point.

> The reason for needing this additional value has been given as
> "accessibility" [1] but I still don't see why 'text-align: start' can't
> be specified instead of having this additional property value.

   * { text-align: start !important; }
in the user style sheet would mean a rule like
   caption { text-align: center; }
would not take effect.

> Unless there's a strong need for this, I think this value should be
> trimmed.  At a minimum, the behavior needs to be clearly defined.

I've clarified the definition to say

   Justification is disabled: there are no expansion opportunities
   within the text.

Let me know if this is sufficiently clear.


Received on Monday, 17 June 2013 06:05:11 UTC