Re: [css3-exclusions] Few questions regarding text-indent and shapes bounding box

On 1/2/13 5:15 AM, "srirama chandra sekhar mogali" <>

>Hi All,
>We have some doubts regarding text-indent and shape's bounding box when
>the shape exceeds the containing block size.

Thanks for the questions!

>1) When an exclusion content or shape content has text-indent css
>property using percentages, how the percentage value should be resovled ?
>Whether we need to use line-width of the bounding box or the line-width
>of the shape?

Exclusions and Shapes do not affect how any other properties evaluate
percentage values. The text-indent property in particular is still a
percentage of the containing block's logical width [1]. If it helps, think
of a change in line width from an exclusion or a shape-inside as something
similar to a change in line width from a normal float. Even though lines
can be shortened by an adjacent float, a text-indent percentage value will
not be affected.

>2) If an exclusion box has a shape defined using shape-outside, and the
>shape is bigger than the bounding box (ex: shape-outside: circle(50%,
>50%, 80%)), the content should wrap around the bounding box or the shape?

Content affected by that exclusion's shape (content in a wrapping context
that includes that shape's exclusion area) will wrap around the shape of
the exclusion, not the bounding box of the exclusion. This is the case
with shape-outsides larger than the bounding box and smaller than the
bounding box.



Received on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 22:36:30 UTC