Re: [css3-multicol] Applies to block containers

Also sprach Simon Sapin:

 > The columns, column-width and column-count properties all have the same 
 > "Applies to" line:
 > > non-replaced block-level elements (except table elements), table
 > > cells, and inline-block elements
 > This should really be "block container" instead of an inclusive list of 
 > the block containers that exist in CSS 2.1.

It would be good to use a term rather than a list. But CSS 2.1 isn't
crystal-clear on what a "block container" is. For example, the
property index [1] sometimes calls it "block containers" (note plural)
and sometimes "block container elements". Is there an updated
definition in CSS3 somewhere?


 > Except that elements that multicol are not block containers anymore. 

You mean, since the column boxes act as containing blocks, the
multicol elements are no longer block containers? I'm not sure we need
to answer that question.

 > So I guess that the properties really apply to "elements that would
 > otherwise have been block containers." But that’s awkward. "Applies
 > to: block containers" is probably a good enough approximation.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 22:55:34 UTC