[css-regions] Handling 0 height regions


I'd like to clear-up how 0 height regions should be handled. The spec
currently does not take into account this edge case.
The main issue is wether they should generate break point considering they
can't receive any content. For example:
#region1 { height: 0px; flow-from: flow;}
#region2 { height: 100px; flow-from: flow;}
P { margin: 10px; flow-into: flow; }

What's the correct behaviour in this case? If region1 generates a break,
then the paragraph will not have a visual margin in region2 because the
margin collapse started in region1. If region1 is ignored, the block
starts in region2 and the margin will be present.



Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 08:09:58 UTC