Re: [css-variables] CSS Variables are a NEW kind of variable

>> For instance, if I was responsible of the spec, I think I would have
>> renamed "variables" into "user-defined properties"
> I keep typing this in myself and then changing my mind about saying it that
> way for fear of adding yet another vector for people to disagree...  but I
> really do think that "var" might be adding confusion and a simple name
> change might really help... In past threads Tab has likened them to HTML
> data-* attributes and when you think of it like that, the assignment part at
> least is totally plain.  If you merely mention the optional default arg, I
> think the function too pretty much makes sense, though perhaps some sugar
> for the simplest case is nice.


Just providing that different name is very helpful to me in getting
your mental model. I might even agree if I thought about it enough
(whatever that's worth). I'm curious how the members would respond if
it's feasible to consider it.

If it's a "user-defined property" then "x-" would make a nice
prefix--much better than var- in my mind.

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 13:19:50 UTC