Re: [css-variables] Using $foo as the syntax for variables

> I'm also still trying to see the perspective of those who find var-foo to be
> more aesthetically pleasing.

I don't think it's aesthetics.  A lot of people who have commented
have explained why in terms of specifically how it is like or unlike
CSS and how it might or might not make certain use cases strange.

> I'm not there yet, but if it were to go that
> way, I'd get over it.

Speaking for myself at least, I feel the same way in the other
direction.  I don't find $ (on the left at least) better in any way
and advocate for var-* (or set-* or user-* or data-* or any number of
potential names) for reasons I and others have already expressed.
That said, if it went that way, I'd get over it.  The idea is more
important to me than the specifics and I like the idea as drafted
_much_ more than most of the previous attempts.

>  You just need to use SASS so you can feel the
> elegance. :)

They potentially do something fundamentally different, you will be
able to express things that it would be impossible to express in SASS
and vice-versa.

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 19:58:59 UTC