Re: [css3-flexbox][css3-align] "Safe" or "true" centering by default

On 05/16/2012 05:27 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Issue link:
> Existing centering methods, such as using auto margins or the
> 'text-align' property, use “safe” centering - if an object is wider
> than the container, it stops centering, and instead start/before
> aligns. This helps ensure that content doesn't accidentally fall off
> into an unscrollable area past the top/left edge of the screen.
> Safe centering is “safe”, and common. However, there are good
> use-cases for “true” centering, which continues to properly center an
> item even if it's larger than the container. Which one should we
> default to? Should we make it possible to opt into the other, and how?
> A. (Current draft) “Safe” center by default. Authors can opt into true
> centering by adding the “true” keyword alongside their alignment
> value.
> B. “True” center by default. Authors can opt into safe centering by
> adding the “safe” keyword alongside their alignment value.
> Thoughts?  I'm fine with what's in the draft currently, the (A) proposal.

Current flexbox does true alignment, though. And you can do safe
alignment with auto margins for items, at least, though not for
flex-line-pack. So I'm not sure A is the right answer here; maybe
it needs to vary by layout mode.


Received on Thursday, 17 May 2012 01:15:28 UTC