Re: [css3-fonts] truetype collection

On 11/05/12 3:30 PM, MURATA Makoto wrote:

> Without some mechanism for identifying one of the fonts in a given
> TTC, how can we use TTC from CSS fonts?  I am just saying that
> the lack of such a mechanism should be clearly described in the
> CSS3 Font specification.  If somebody creates a media type for
> OT and establishes fragment identifiers for TTC OT, I am happy to
> change my mind.
The typical way that software identifies one of the fonts in a given TTC 
is by font name table entries, i.e. the same way software identifies 
individual TTF or OTF fonts. So, for example, an installed TTC such as 
that which ships as part of the Microsoft Cambria family displays in 
font menus as two distinct fonts based on the distinct name tables for 
Cambria Regular and Cambria Math.

I can see how this will require appropriate media type for CSS, but once 
that is in place does one need a 'fragment identifier' beyond the name 
table entries?

[This comment is based on name tables not being among the shared tables 
in TTCs. I believe this is always the case -- indeed, I am not sure how 
a TTC with a shared name table would work at all --, but it may not be a 
restriction of the spec.]


Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 23:37:09 UTC