Re: [css3-images] rtl/ltr annotation

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Andrew Fedoniouk
<> wrote:
> Reference:
> Am I correct in my assumptions that two cases below are functional equivalents?
> 1.  el { background: image(a.png ltr, b.png rtl); }
> 2.  el:dir(ltr) { background: url(a.png); }
>     el:dir(rtl) { background: url(b.png); }
> In other words, these ltr/rtl annotators are sensors of what actually?

They aren't sensors at all.  They *declare* the image to be ltr or
rtl.  Then, if it finds itself in an element with opposite
directionality, it's flipped in the inline direction.  So no, your two
cases are definitely not equivalent.

All of this is described pretty clearly in the spec.  The entire
description is a single short paragraph.


Received on Saturday, 10 March 2012 20:17:42 UTC