[css3-images] rtl/ltr annotation

Reference: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#image-notation

Am I correct in my assumptions that two cases below are functional equivalents?

1.  el { background: image(a.png ltr, b.png rtl); }

2.  el:dir(ltr) { background: url(a.png); }
     el:dir(rtl) { background: url(b.png); }

In other words, these ltr/rtl annotators are sensors of what actually?

Options are:

A. *text* direction, defined by direction: property in CSS.
B. element directional context, defined by @dir in HTML and reflected
in el:dir(...), see [1].

And related question:

If "a.png" and "b.png" images are available then "b.png rtl" part here:

  el { background: image(a.png, b.png rtl); }

will have no effect, right?  "b.png rtl" is more specific , no
specificity in this fallback mechanism?

[1] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors4/#dir-pseudo

Andrew Fedoniouk.


Received on Saturday, 10 March 2012 19:57:59 UTC