Re: [css3-writing-modes] A report from a meeting w/Japanese publishing group

Tokushige Kobayashi wrote:

>  <span>Hotel Wonderland</span>
> is same as 
>  <span style="text-orientation: upright-right">Hotel Wonderland</span>


> Latin alphabet belongs to horizontal-only scrips, the direction is
> set as sideways.
> You need not to define the direction of latin alphabet by UTR#50,
> althogh you have to define horizontal-only scrips more precisely.

Right, the current editor's draft is trying to define orientation with
a combination of the script of the character and UTR50 in the
common/inherited/unknown case. It would be simpler to define
'upright-right' in terms of the default orientation in UTR50 for all
codepoints.  That way CSS specs don't need to track script additions
to Unicode and decide whether the scripts are vertical or not.


John Daggett

Received on Monday, 16 January 2012 08:04:40 UTC