Re: [css-variables] Different syntax for variable definition and use

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:34 AM, François REMY
<> wrote:
> |  Reading normal properties off of yourself is
> |  completely out, at least generally (doing it for *some* properties
> |  might be okay, but it locks us in to never introducing connections
> |  between those properties).
> Tab, I addressed this issue a °ton° of times already... The specified value
> of a property don't depend on any other property value than the one
> specified in the CSS file. There's no hidden inderdepency there, and it
> covers all use cases we need.
> Objectively, there's nothing preventing from using the specified value of
> any property as a token source for any other property, just as you do with
> custom properties.

I highly doubt you want only specified values.  If that's the case,
then the feature is just syntax sugar for declaring a variable and
using it twice.  You want at *least* computed values, so you can, for
example, get inherited values.  (Getting used values would no doubt be
great, but also incompatible with lots of other things.  Vars and
similar substitution mechanisms need to resolve by computed-value time
at the latest.)


Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2012 17:42:04 UTC