Re: [css3-conditional] value of CSSSupportsRule.conditionText

Tab Atkins Jr.:
> Actually, it'll still work even if we do make it apply to selectors in
> the future.  The only problem is reserializing, which is easy to
> detect and insert an empty comment for, as I proposed.

But it doesn't work if you want to allow selectors (or other syntax 
sensitive to a lack of white space between tokens) inside the supports 
condition.  For example with a hypothetical:

   @supports (foopy: select(#a/**/.b/**/)) { ... }

There's no way to know that the comment before the "." needs to be 
preserved while the one after the "b" can be dropped, if your UA doesn't 
implement foopy.  So we would need to preserve all comments within the 
property value parts of the supports condition, at least.

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 00:06:10 UTC