RE: [css3-*] Defining support for the inherit keyword

[Tab Atkins Jr.:]
> My preference is to not have to mention anything - the global keywords are
> defined in Values & Units as applying to all properties, and we shouldn't
> have to worry about that detail otherwise (unless the property accepts
> arbitrary user-defined keywords, in which case you have to explicitly
> prevent those from being valid values).

Your preference as an editor is noted. The preference of those spec users 
who depend on them to implement features takes precedence. For the latter, 
incomplete syntax definitions are a problem.
Once one well-known drafts like B&B or Fonts or Color mention these keywords 
explicitly it's not at all unreasonable to assume a module that doesn't say 
anything about them to be doing so deliberately. If there are no benefits 
to risking this kind of confusion beyond convenience for the amazingly
tiny minority of people who write specs - though I very much doubt it's that 
significant - then it must be fixed.

> I really don't want every property to have to include " | inherit |
> initial" in its value definition.
If they are valid values of the property, I really couldn't care less about saving you
2 seconds of copy/paste time per property; assuming we can't automate this or put it in 
the base template to begin with.

I'm open to suggestions for what should/could be there to represent those values e.g. we 
could add a " | <core values>' link to the section in css3-values that covers all global
values. That would make the dependency of each property on these two values explicit and
would be fine. It could also be a separate row in the property definition table, right
under the property-specific values...Other suggestions welcome.

'Nothing because I'd rather do a little less work' is not acceptable though. 

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2011 23:53:37 UTC