[css3-regions] Does flow-from or content win?

The regions spec currently states:

"If the 'content' property is defined on a region, it has no effect on the
region's visual formatting."

I'm currently only able to test this in WebKit using content: url, as the
rest of the css3-content values that work on elements that flow-from applies
to aren't implemented. But so far WebKit isn't following this portion of the
spec. If I define this on a div:

 content: url(someImage.png);
 -webkit-flow-from: someFlow;

Then that element's content is replaced with the image and consumes no flow

I'm thinking this may be preferable to what the spec states, as there are
values in css3-content that I might want to work with regions. Perhaps I'd
choose to insert an image in this manner. Or I might selectively set
'content: none' or 'content: inhibit' on an element in the region chain,
then bring it back with 'content: normal'.

What's the motivation for making flow-from trump content? Could we remove
that text?



Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 22:09:44 UTC