RE: [css3-gcpm] paged presentations, page floats, paged navigation between documents

Also sprach Alex Mogilevsky:

 > ± The GCPM editor's draft [1] has been revised:
 > ± 
 > ±   - paged presentations [2] have been revised, based on an earlier
 > ±     draft [3]
 > ±   - page floats have been revised [4], including 'column-span: <integer>'
 > ±   - paged navigation between documents [5] have been added 
 > ± 
 > When content is shown in paged presentation, is it in paged media?
 > I'll assume normally no, it's been discussed. However if it isn't
 > "paged" than what is? 

I think it is paged. For example, the page/column break properties
should work:

  html { oveflow: paged-x }
  div.section { break-after: page }


In the code above, "foo" and "bar" would be on different pages.

 > I don't know if there is a true need for
 > triggering paged media outside print preview, but having some way
 > to trigger a different stylesheet when in paged mode would make
 > sense, wouldn't it?

Yes, we need a trigger for this. 

In Opera's experimental implementation (which I hope to release
shortly) we support this:

  html { background: red }
  @media -o-paged {
    html { background: green }

However, I'm unsure if it should be a new media type (as above), or a
new media feature, which could be used this way:

  html { background: red }
  @media (paged) {
    html { background: green }

Another issue is what the trigger means:

  1) that the UA is capable of paging (given the right values on
     'overflow', 'height' etc)

  2) that the UA is actually in some paged mode

  3) that the elements selected within the block are paged, right here and now

I suggest #1 (which is what we have implemented)

#2 makes demands on UAs to have modes; this is probably outside of CSS' jurisdiction

#3 is messy

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 09:58:05 UTC