[selectors4] "time-dimensional canvas"?

In the introductory paragraph of the Time-dimensional pseudo-classes
chapter, the phrase "time-dimensional canvas" is used:

"These pseudo-classes classify elements with respect to the
currently-displayed or active position in a time-dimensional canvas,
such as during speech rendering of an HTML document."

I (and, from twitter replies, other people) have no idea what this
actually means.  I suggest rewording it in more explicit terms, and
referring to the primary existing example of their use: captions in a
video.  Something like:

"These pseudo-classes classify elements with respect to the
currently-displayed or active position in some timeline, such as
during speech rendering of an HTML document, or during the display of
an HTML video using WebVTT to render karaoke subtitles."


Received on Saturday, 1 October 2011 01:15:31 UTC