RE: Unprefixing CSS properties

> Whatever the theoretical
> intentions and merits of prefixing, if people are actively working
> around it, it means they don't want it, and a rethink is required.

And thus I'll reiterate...

> Side proposal:  CSSWG should probably make a wiki page so people
> can easily add the newest observations or proposals to a common
> location, since this seems to come up at least once a month.

Perhaps the next restart should be a [css3-prefixing] ED with an established owner, rather than a Wiki.

Personally speaking, I'm already bored with restarting the discussion from zero once a month (or whatever) and I've only been dealing with it for a year or two.

Emails haven't seemed to produce progress on their own, or at least enough progress IMO.

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 19:18:10 UTC