[CSS21] Fixed table layout and percentages


In section Fixed table layout:

Here is how I understand after several reads:

The table first gets a *tentative width* either from its `width` 
property (if not auto) or from the algorithm of 10.3.3 for blocks. 
Percentages refer to the containing block. I could not find this written 
anywhere, but I assume that the table wrapper box (see 17.4) is *not* 
the table’s containing block although it is a block container.

Then some columns get a width, also from `width` properties. Again, I 
guess that the containing block of columns and cells is the table box. 
So percentage widths refer to the *tentative width* of the table, since 
its used width is not known yet.

The remaining space is then divided for columns that do not have a width 
yet. The remaining space is the tentative width minus everything else. 
(The used width is still not known.) Now what happens if this result is 
negative or zero? Is the width of the remaining columns zero or some 
other arbitrary value?

Finally the used width of the table is set to the greater of its `width` 
property and the sum of all its content.

Whether or not this analysis is correct or close to what browsers do, 
this section needs to properly define a table’s tentative width or a 
similar concept and explicitly use it where appropriate.

PS: what is the process for updating specifications that are already REC?

Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 18:08:05 UTC