Re: [css3-images] Features Overview

On May 11, 2011, at 12:49 PM, Brian Manthos <> wrote:

>> From: Brad Kemper []
>> Good question. And do you grab a different image from the multi-image file
>> when the background size changes? I think there is too much the UA can't
>> guess, and the author needs to say which image should be used. Absent
>> that, the UA just grabs the one with the most bytes and hopes for the best.
> "The most bytes" isn't always accessible, and has basically no meaning at all for gradients.

I thought we were talking about choosing the appropriate image from a multi-image file, such as an .ico file. Gradients wouldn't matter there. I just meant choose the part that has the greatest (color depth x pixel count), when the author doesn't (or can't?) say which part to use from that file. 

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 20:07:28 UTC