Re: background-image-frame

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> PNG and other image formats support annotated/taged/named
>> sub-images
> Can you cite references for this?

I'd like a reference too; I'd never heard of this!

>> so in principle they can be used as image-lists - single-file collections of
>> multiple images / frames.
>> CSS "sprites" as a workaround are quite popular among Web designers
>> but current solution [1] looks more like a hack rather than a solution.
> I think a media fragments syntax for named frames would be much more suitable. Then you could just do:
> background-image: url(foo.png?frame=kitten)
> or something.

Yes, media fragments are definitely the correct way to do this.


Received on Saturday, 9 July 2011 00:18:12 UTC