Re: [css3-transitions] display properties missing; delay property unclear

On 22/01/2011 5:21 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> It would be really nice if 'display' could be part of a
> transition/animation. 'display' allows you to do more interesting
> things because of the way sub-animations are handled.
> Ie let's say you want to move a box from left to right over a
> duration of 10s but with a delay of 3s and you want to repeat this.
> So: invisible for 3s and then animate from left to right for 10s.
> This box will also have a subanimation that rotates it over 5s. (I
> know you could collapse the 2 states but this is a simplified
> example)
> Currently there is no way to do this with css without resorting to
> JavaScript. The reason is that you need to set visibility to
> false/true to hide/display the box, but this does not stop the
> rotation from starting at time 0. By the time the box is visible, it
> would already be partly rotated.
> By having 'display' as part of the keyframes, the subanimation
> wouldn't start until the box had the property 'display: block'
> Rik

Mmm. Ok, firstly I need to practice animation. Secondly, nothing is 
close to impossible it seems. I just don't know if it's possible to make 
it non visible at different keyframes.



Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo

Received on Saturday, 22 January 2011 12:45:44 UTC