Re: 'animation' and 'transition' ambiguity?

On Thursday 2011-01-20 17:31 -0500, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
> How can UAs know which time value is the delay and which is the
> duration?  As far as I know, '||' still means "any number of these
> can occur in any order" (see

In the css3-transitions spec, there's additional prose that says:
  # Note that order is important in this property. The first value
  # that can be parsed as a time is assigned to the
  # transition-duration. The second value that can be parsed as a
  # time is assigned to transition-delay.

The css3-animations spec needs similar wording.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 22:41:11 UTC