Re: Making alternate stylesheets more useful + site selectors

On 2011/01/20 06:15 (GMT-0500) Shropshire, Andrew A composed:

> ...would like to see it in a standard so I don't have to worry about which
> browser end-users have or do the same thing 5 different ways.  The
> alternate style sheet mechanism is useful too, however it would seem the
> user has to select the alternate style sheet with every visit to the site....

Such things are symptom treatments, not disease treatments. They're defenses 
against offensive (rude) site design.

Better to spend the effort to rid the web of the disease.

What needs to be done is strongly evangelize polite design (starting with 
WCAG) to end the curse of designers' and stylists' archaic notion that 
browser defaults are inappropriate. If all sites were 100%-based[1][2], 
accepting that whatever browser defaults are set to are at least acceptable 
if not perfect, at least 2/3[3] of need to defend would disappear, making the 
web a much friendlier place.


See also:
"How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose
understanding rather than silver." Proverbs 16:16 NKJV

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 14:54:04 UTC