Re: [css4-ui]/[css4-selectors] Pseudo-class for selecting broken images & other external resources

On 12/28/11 2:28 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
> Hmmm... I get what you are saying, but in those cases the non-ie
> browsers support load and error states for those though - right?

In some of them, yes.

> Since those reflect what we've described - would it be so bad to expose a CSS
> 'state' out of it?

I'm not saying it's "bad".  I mean... I implemented it in Gecko for 
<img> and <object>!

I'm just saying that the actual definition in the spec will need some 
careful wordsmithing if it's supposed to be generic across element types.


Received on Wednesday, 28 December 2011 19:36:00 UTC