Re: [css3-regions][css3-multicol] Regions example

On 8/10/11 10:46 AM, "Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote:

>I'm reading up on regions:
>Which is close in spirit to:
>The example in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of the Regions spec is nice.
>However, it seems to me that the styling of the lead paragrah (in this
>case the introduction) is, more often than not, based on the structure
>rather than the layout. So, in most magazines, the whole lead paragrah
>-- and not just the words that happen to fit in a predinde box --
>would be in bold. This is for example the case in The Economist.
>Does the regions model support this kind of flexibly-sized regions?

Yes, it should. We are in the process of finalizing auto-sizing on regions
but that use case will work (basically a break after the introduction and
an auto-height on the first region).

This said, there are use cases for both: sometimes, the whole first
paragraph has a specific style and fits in a single region (your example),
sometimes, there is region based styling, orthogonal to content (we have
use cases like this in digital magazines and they are really important

>In multicol layout, it could quite easily be specified with something
>like this:
>  .article { columns: 3 }
>  .article img { column-span: 2 }
>  .article .lead { column-span: 2; font-weight: bold }
>If column-span could take an integer, that is.

Thanks for the example,

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 20:25:01 UTC