Re: [css3-lists] of lists and castles

On 26/04/2011 2:42 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Sylvain Galineau
> <>  wrote:
>> [Tab Atkins:]

>>> It's not like browsers will support
>>> numbering up that high, anyway
>> Why specify something that you don't expect browsers to support 'anyway'?
> Okay, then.  I think the styles are valuable to support, given that
> they are used in real life.  Should we perhaps just limit the styles
> to the range 0-9999?  That would cut out a decent chunk of complexity
> (as it would limit them to a single "group") and still support the
> *vast* majority of use-cases.

As an author, I would like the possibility to declare how many digits a 
list can have. An example of a <OL> with four digits.

0001 <li> ... </li>
0002 <li> ... </li>

       up to

9999 <li> ... </li>

An example of a <OL> with the spacing of four digits.

    1 <li> ... </li>
    2 <li> ... </li>


   10 <li> ... </li>

       up to

9999 <li> ... </li>

Also the often requested subitems within one <ol>. Like decimal places.

1.1 <li> ... </li>
1.2 <li> ... </li>
2   <li> ... </li>
3.1 <li> ... </li>

Alan Gresley

Received on Monday, 25 April 2011 17:34:39 UTC