CIE color definitions in CSS3 color module

I wish to propose the following types of color definitions.

A CIE XYZ color definition.

xyz(x, y, z) where x, y and z are the floating point values of the CIE 1931
XYZ color space
along with the corresponding
xyza(x, y, z, a)

A *CIE xyY* color definition.
xyy(x, y, Y) where x, y, and Y are the floating point values of the CIE 1931
xyY color space.
along with a corresponding
xyya(x, y, Y, a)

a CIELUV color definition
luv(L*, u*, v*, white_point) where L, u, v are the floating point values in
the CIELUV colorspace. the white point term will be defined below.
along with the
luva(L*, u*, v*, white_point, a)

A CIELAB color definition
lab(L*, a* , b*, white_point) where L*, a*, b* are the floating point values
in the CIELAB colorspace, white point defined below.

The LAB and LUV colorspaces take a white point as a parameter this may be
one of the following values.

One of the CIE standard illuminates
A, B, C, D50, D55, D65, D75, F1-12,

the following common illuminants
UL_3000, TL80, A_T8

the following black body format.

or a custom white point defined by an @whitepoint rule.

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 14:30:23 UTC