Re: [css4-color] #RGBA

  On 2010-09-06 12:43 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>  This needs to be cleared up, actually.  It's not at all clear what
>  the actual requirements are around the first argument.  The prose
>  just says that the deg unit is "implied".

After being informed that things are defined in terms of CSS3 Values & 
Units, this seems more clear. From Section 4.2.4 HSL color values: "This 
angle is so typically measured in degrees that the unit is implicit in 
CSS; syntactically, only a <number> is given." Since |<angle>| is its 
own type, |deg| is apparently excluded.

>  In CSS3 Values & Units, the <length> type says that its unit can be
>  omitted if the value is 0.  No other type says this, so no other
>  type gets to omit its unit.

Okay. That's pretty unintuitive, but makes sense. (I thought this was a 
bug in Firefox until I found that four other browsers agree.)

Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 18:12:25 UTC