Re: [CSS21] The width/height properties list-item, run-in and table-* display types

On 7/29/10 4:18 PM, Anton Prowse wrote:
> (1a) nothing in the spec seems to explain its usage on list-item or
> run-in elements;

Sure it does.  Section 10.3.  Note that this section talks about inline 
and block _boxes_, not the display value.  So for a run-in, what width 
does depends on the box the run-in generated; a list-item always ends up 
with a block box.

> (1b) nothing in the spec seems to explain its usage on table-caption,
> table-header-group and table-footer-group elements;

Section 17.4 says:

   The caption boxes are block-level boxes that retain their
   own content, padding, margin, and border areas, and are
   rendered as normal blocks inside the anonymous box.

So section 10.3 applies to those.

The term "row groups" in the spec means elements with 'display' set to 
one of 'table-row-group', 'table-header-group', or 'table-footer-group' 
(though it might be good to clearly define this somewhere, of course), 
so the property definition says that it doesn't apply to them.

> (1c) Chapter 17 covers its usage, in varying degrees of vagueness, on
> table, inline-table, table-column, table-column-group and table-cell
> elements.


> Probably, at least in the cases of list-item, run-in and table-caption
> elements, the 'width' property appears to be applied based on the
> block-like or inline-like nature of these element types.


> In the case of table-header-group and table-footer-group elements, their
> stated similarity to table-row-group elements is probably enough to
> imply that the 'width' property doesn't apply.

No implication needed; the term "row groups" includes these elements.

> In the case of table-column and table-column-group elements, 17.3 states
> that the 'width' property gives the minimum width for the column, but
> the chapter doesn't mention the effect of the 'width' property on
> table-column-group elements in the fixed table model.

The algorithm seems pretty clear: 'width' on column groups is ignored in 
the fixed table model.  Is that not what UAs do?

> (For the other table-related parts, this could be as simple as pointing
> to Chapter 17 where appropriate. Alternatively, Chapter 9 could mention
> that the behaviour of many properties as applied to table-related
> elements is described on Ch.17, thus doing a global, catch-all deferment.)

This might be a good idea.

> The 'height' property (10.5) applies to all elements except non-replaced
> inline elements, table columns and column groups. However,
> (2a) nothing in the spec seems to explain its usage on list-item or
> run-in elements;

See above.  Section 10.6 covers this.

> (2b) nothing in the spec seems to explain its usage on table-caption,
> table-header-group and table-footer-group elements;

10.6 for the caption.  For the others, they're "row groups" and the 
effect is undefined per 17.5.3.

> Probably, at least in the cases of list-item, run-in and table-caption
> elements, the 'height' property appears to be applied based on the
> block-like or inline-like nature of these element types.



Received on Thursday, 29 July 2010 20:41:03 UTC