Re: [cssom] Defining getComputedStyle

On 2/11/10 11:41 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> I don't. All I have is that browsers do not really agree. I could be
> convinced to make these "exceptions" too. I do not really feel strongly,
> though less exceptions seemed better.

Less exceptions is definitely better, as long as it doesn't break 
existing content.  That "as long" is the issue.

>> It's not a shorthand in CSS 2.1.
> Well, CSS doesn't have versions and most browsers have implemented
> overflow-x and overflow-y.

This is going to be a general problem as various properties that are not 
shorthands become shorthands (things like white-space for example).  Do 
we just want to take it on a case-by-case basis, or try to figure out 
how to handle it?

For what it's worth, the Gecko behavior for "overflow" is to return a 
value if the x and y values are equal and to treat it as a shorthand 


Received on Thursday, 11 February 2010 17:01:18 UTC