Re: [CSS 2.1] cases that do not pass in any browser

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 11:55:57AM +1000, Peter Moulder wrote:

> And I'm actually inclined to think that if we're choosing what the text should
> specify, then red is actually the behaviour that we want to specify: from what
> I've considered so far, I think it best if inheritance is based on the true
> document tree, and that we make the 5.12.1 text restrict itself to describing
> the formatting within the first line box.

One argument in favour of choosing this approach is the following example:

   <p>Here is some text that refers to <float .../> a float.</p>

(where <float> of course can be read as <span style="float:something">).

I believe that implementations are simpler if we can assign properties to the
float before line-breaking time.

I'm also concerned about whether the properties assigned to that float might
affect whether or not it (i.e. the <float> element) is on the first line in the
first place: e.g. if the first-line style increased the width of the float,
then it might shorten the line box such that the placeholder is moved to the
second line, in which case the first-line styling doesn't apply and the float
should become narrower and the <float> element presumably moves back to the
first line, and a contradiction ensues.  Granted, user agents can choose to
break lines wherever they like, and could make the first line deliberately
short, but it would certainly look odd, and I don't think it's the behaviour
that authors would want.


Received on Saturday, 14 August 2010 02:45:55 UTC