Re: [CSS21] should text-decoration propagate to table-cells from table or above?

On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 03:36:39 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <>  

> I propose the following text to replace the first paragraph in section
> 16.3.1 of CSS 2.1:
> Inline elements cause all of the boxes they generate to be affected by
> any text-decoration specified on the element or propagated from a
> non-inline parent, and further propagate these text-decorations to any
> in-flow children that are not inline-table or inline-block. All other
> elements propagate text-decorations to their in-flow children.
> Non-inline elements with inline children are considered to have an
> anonymous inline box that wraps any inline content.

There seems to be some mixing up of elements and boxes here. It's not  
completely clear to me if the parent/child relationships described are  
supposed to refer to the document tree or the formatting structure.

Also, what's an inline element (/"non-inline parent"/"non-inline  
element"/"inline child") exactly? The term seems to be used elsewhere too,  
but I only see definitions (if they can be called that) for "inline-level  
element" and "inline box".

Øyvind Stenhaug
Core Norway, Opera Software ASA

Received on Tuesday, 17 November 2009 15:53:40 UTC