Re: Proposal: Fixed Table Headers in CSS

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
>> Mine too, but does so by pushing previous sticky elements in the same
>> direction out of the way, which would also include the H1. Maybe there is
>> some way around that which I haven't thought of, for when you want two
>> levels of sticky elements inside each other.
> Ah, I see what you're imagining now.  Interesting.  We'll have to give
> this some thought to see which would end up more useful and more sane
> to specify/implement.

As far as I understand this is about so called scrollable grids.
I think that Microsoft Excel is the most known modern example of this.

I've made couple of attempts to implements such <table>s and can say
that configuration like:

<table fixedcols=1 fixedrows=1 style="overflow:auto">..</table>

is the least controversial from any other solutions I tried.
But not perfect of course.

Here is how such tables may look like:

It appears as number of fixed rows/columns defined for the table
is significantly more robust as a solution rather than defining
fixed position for each cell.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 06:32:02 UTC