Re: Minutes and Resolutions 2009-08-26

fantasai wrote:
>   fantasai: We probably want approval from bz and/or dbaron before going
>             anywhere with this...

For what it's worth, I plan to respond to the proposal mail in the next 
day or two.  I need to read it carefully and think about it a bit first...

>   fantasai: Tab's point that run-ins should run into each other is good

In which situation?  Are we talking about a run-in running into a block 
run-in, or a run-in running into a run-in that also runs in?  The latter 
is pretty different from the way run-in is "supposed" to work, it seems 
to me, since it has a run-in running into an inline that's a child of 
its following block....

>   bradk: any downside ?

Might be hard to define the "right" behavior (and then hard to implement 
it, depending on what ends up being defined).

>   * anne thinks run-in is a bit weird anyway

Amen.  ;)

>   fantasai: another solution is to add another display type
>   howcome: run-run-in ?

That's really no better than changing the behavior of run-in, I 
suspect...  I doubt the case(s) we're discussing appear on the web much.


Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2009 22:05:25 UTC