Re: Gradient syntax proposal

On Aug 15, 2009, at 8:11 AM, David Perrell wrote:

> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> | I'm still not sure how you're justifying gradients being the same as
> | colors.  They're not, in any way, as I, Brad, and several others in
> | other circumstances have said.  They're an image.
> Consensus can be illogical.


> There are many cases where application of both background linear- 
> gradient and background-image would be useful;

True. Multiple backgrounds takes care of that.

> there are none where background-color and linear-gradient would need  
> to apply simultaneously.

I think you are forgetting about 'background-size', which can make the  
gradient image smaller than the area that the color fills. Then you  
can use background-repeat, background-position, etc. (which ROC  
mentioned earlier in a thread where I thought he was arguing for  
something completely different from what he actually was).

Received on Saturday, 15 August 2009 16:36:36 UTC