Re: [css3-selectors] Elements that can have :focus pseudo-class

Brad Kemper wrote:
>>> So why would you think it would be less desirable to have the :focus 
>>> pseudo-element work in a consistent manner?
>> Did I ever say that?  Please read what I _did_ say again, carefully.
> I have. You implied that window:focus should not be used to indicate a 
> focused viewport

Where did I say that?  Or even imply?  Note that it'd have to be 
something like @window:focus or something, since window:focus already 
means something in CSS.

> you don't like it because it lacks DOM purity.

I don't like it (body:focus) because it's very HTML-centric and changes 
behavior of existing stylesheets.

> You also derisively suggested that I was 
> confused about the difference between the window element of the DOM (for 
> which there is no way of specifying focus rules in CSS) and the BODY 
> element of HTML mark-up (which does have an actual tag that can accept a 
> focus handler).

None of that is "it would be less desirable to have the :focus 
pseudo-element work in a consistent manner?"

>>> Is there another way of doing this that will select the focused 
>>> viewport?
>> There is not, but perhaps there should be.
> What syntax would you prefer then?

I don't have a strong preference, actually, as long as it doesn't change 
the meaning of existing syntax that already means something else.


Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 18:28:32 UTC