Re: [CSS21] Why are browser default style values different from Appendix D

L. David Baron wrote:
> On Tuesday 2008-05-06 23:04 +1000, Alan Gresley wrote:
>> I would suggest this change (or similar) to match existing behavior.
>> ol ul, ul ol,
>> ul ul, ol ol    { margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px }
> I don't see how the test page you give is related to this rule 
> in Appendix D.  The test page does not contain any nested lists.
> Gecko certainly has zero margins on nested lists; I haven't checked
> other implementations.  (Unfortunately, HTML nested list structure
> makes it hard to distinguish nested lists that are part of a single
> list structure from a separate list that happens to be inside a list
> item.)
> Also, the default margins are more likely to be '1em' than '16px'.
> -David
>> [1]

Thank you David. I was wrong. This did prompt another testcase.

This clearly shows that all implementations show.

ol ul, ul ol,
ul ul, ol ol    { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0 }

This matter is closed. :-/


Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 01:45:26 UTC