Re: CSS Charter

Daniel Glazman wrote:

> I would really like to understand why CSS should reinvent the
> wheel here instead of reusing something that is now widely accepted,
> widely implemented. And mobile devices are not too weak to handle
> SVG, a Canon DSLR camera has all its menus and UI in SVG...

I'm not sure if they are current products, but I've noticed that Apple 
are responsible for distributing authoring tools that generate 
apan/div/style/a HTML.  It looks to me that Apple want to make purely 
presentational, WYSIWYG languages, but not full graphical ones, possibly 
because their target market is not sophisticated enough to use vector 
graphics and/or they want good fallback on IE.

David Woolley
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Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2008 09:05:15 UTC