Re: Opera's Proposal for :context Selector

Joshua Cranmer wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> I agree here, though, that *without* a :scope or :context pseudoclass,
>> it can be difficult to achieve proper modularity.  Frex, in this
>> fragment:
>> <section>
>>   <style scoped>
>>     div span { color: red }
>>   </style>
>>   <span>span content</span>
>>   <div>
>>     <span>some more span content</span>
>>   </div>
>> </section>
>> The second span will definitely be red, but the first will be red
>> depending on whether or not there is a div somewhere further up the
>> ancestor chain.
> This sounds as if it's a bug. As  developer, I would intuitively 
> expect such a document fragment to have the same results regardless of 
> extra content. Whether or not the section is wrapped in a div or not 
> should not (IMHO) affect the styles generated by the scoped 
> stylesheets. I fail to see a compelling use case that calls for the 
> scoped stylesheets to be knowledgeable of the existence of any 
> elements outside the scoped root (e.g., the section).

That is the question: Is it the scope or is it sort of environmental 
scope - "global-scope-but-limited-by-local-set".
I can imagine people trying to comprehend that.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Monday, 14 July 2008 22:07:12 UTC