Re: specificity, user style sheets and SVG


I haven't (yet) completed an authoritative analysis of current UA  
behaviour in this respect.

however using a user style sheet:
:link, :visited { text-decoration: underline ! important }

this worked well with many html pages, however with svg it appears it  
may not for Opera, Amaya and Camino
I wasn't able to enable ie5.2 to accept a user style sheet.

I often get things wrong, but if right, it does seem as this is a  
fairly basic failure to implement a standard.
Please bear in mind this is merely one example......


Jonathan Chetwynd

On 9 Feb 2007, at 09:04, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
> it seems clear to me at least from your responses that specificity  
> is a clear example where the w3c process has not considered users  
> needs.

I'm not quite sure what in my response gave you that idea.

I can see where you might have gotten that idea from David's  
response, but I think his statement was incorrect.

If you look at the history of the specificity section, user needs  
were definitely considered -- this is why user stylesheet !important  
rules override all author rules.  Didn't use to be that way in the  
early drafts.  ;)

> from an initial consideration of accessibility, the user being non-  
> technical needs a simple style sheet that works out of the box  
> across the web, if it is to be of any use at all.

A simple stylesheet that does what?


Received on Friday, 9 February 2007 14:20:36 UTC