Re: [css21] definition of intrinsic

On Sunday 2006-03-26 17:18 -0500, fantasai wrote:
> No, I like your definition. :) We just need to drop that last sentence.
> Anne wrote:
> > as defined by the element itself, not imposed by the surroundings.
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> That part's good, imho.

I see two issues with that quote:

 (1) It unnecessarily restates the meaning of "intrinsic".

 (2) It's not entirely true, since it is affected by properties
     inherited from the surroundings, although only because inheritance
     affects the computed values.  It would be more correct to say
     something more like "the element itself, its descendants, and the
     computed values of CSS properties on the element and its
     descendants".  Although it's also affected by device
     characteristics such as logical resolution or available fonts.

L. David Baron                                <URL: >
           Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, Mozilla Corporation

Received on Sunday, 26 March 2006 22:31:17 UTC