Re: overflow:scroll and tables

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

>Does anybody know any technical or formal reason of why
>following does not work in any (known to me) UA:
><table style="overflow:auto; width:100px; height:100px">
>   ....

One technical reason is that the overflow property does not apply to 
tables.  It should be ignored in the scenario you outline.  Another 
technical reason is that the 'auto' value of the overflow property is 
explicitly UA-dependent.  See 

However, the real reason appears to be that UAs (well, OK, Firefox - 
I didn't take the time to conduct universal testing) ignore all 
overflow values on any display: table* objects, even table cells, to 
which the property is supposed to apply.  The overflow property works 
as advertised if the display value is changed to block.

-Adam Kuehn 

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 19:56:04 UTC