Re: [CSS21] properties for table-column (In HTML: COL) & table-column-group (In HTML: COLGROUP) items.

On Wednesday 22 June 2005 21:25, J. King wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 15:06:53 -0400, <> wrote:
> > Well, Ryan, and I'm not trying to be a pain here, but wouldn't we likely
> > style a colspanned cell differently?  And there's already a selector that
> > even works in Moz for that.  I'm just asking.
> That's not the point, Kris.  Sure, you'd probably want to style the cell
> differently from others, but a colspan=2 cell is one child that spans two
> columns.  For that row :nth-child(2) would select the cell in the third
> row, not the second.

Yes. CSS doesn't really handle HTML tables. To do this sort of thing with CSS 
we would need to extend it with table part selectors, such as:

:nth-column()  # maybe it is just a pseudo element?
:nth-row() # 


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2005 20:03:29 UTC