Re: [css3-background], comments on 'box-shadow'

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:


 > Conclusion #1: Having border-image feature  implemented, shadows will be
 > rendered using border images in most of the cases.


 > There are many ways to draw antialiased lines and curves.
 > Professional web design will never rely on them. Border images
 > will be used instead.
 > For me 'box-shadow' and 'border-radius' and the way they are defined
 > looks like a naive attempt to provide a "cool features" which will be
 > used only by "naive designers". Real professionals will never use them.

And so "real professionals" will continue to produce image- (and hence
bandwidth/download-time) intensive pages which annoy the hell out
of most of us, whilst the non-professionals will continue to produce
lightweight, effective, pages that load in a fraction of the time,
look /almost/ as good, and deliver the message.  So be it.  Sounds
just fine to me.

Philip Taylor

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2005 18:58:01 UTC