Re: Selectors: section 6.5: Error

Ian Hickson wrote:

> I have rephrased the sentence to say " What makes attributes of type ID 
> special is that no two such attributes can have the same value in a 
> conformant document...". I will let you know if the working group 
> disagrees with this change when it is reviewed.

I don't like the word "conformant". The questions is, conformant to 
what? "Valid" at least is a little better defined with respect to HTML 
and XML.

Also, are we really sure that all document languages will have the rule 
that IDs do not repeat values? certainly that's a rule for valid HTML, 
XML, and SVG; but it's always struck me as a slightly funny one. Might 
there be a document language that does not have such a rule?

>> 2. Specify what happens when multiple elements share the same ID.
> This is already specified: "ID selectors represent an element instance 
> based on its identifier", meaning that if the ID of an element is the same 
> as the ID of the rule, it matches.

OK. That sounds reasonable. However I don't think it's totally obvious 
from the wording, so I would suggest adding a slightly redundant 
rephrasing such as, "If multiple elements share the same ID, then all 
are represented by an ID selector on that value." or something along 
those lines.

Elliotte Rusty Harold
XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

Received on Thursday, 29 December 2005 17:04:45 UTC