Re: Please explain why we need multiple background images

| Multiple border images would be nice ... rounded-corner strip graphics...

You don't need multiple images for that (multiply images - multiply 

Here is a result (three elements at the bottom):

And here are orignal images used for rendering table at the very bottom
table background:
and cells backrground:

To define such complex backgrounds you need
1) image (only one)
2) four image margins
  section definitions :
  to render destination:
3) one addtional value 'expand'  for background-repeat atrribute.

Pretty simple and effective.

Probably (if we don't want to introduce new attributes) full definition 
might look like:

#table-image td
 background-position:8px 8px 8px 8px; /*left top right bottom offsets*/
 background-repeat:expand; /* or -h-smile-expand, whatever you like */
 border: none;

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Original Message from: "Brian Sexton"

| Anne,
| > The only reason I can see is for the "borders" of an area. However, we
| > could use 'border-image' or a similar property to do that.
| > You could also use '::before' and '::after', though some W3C Members
| > think you are abusing the selectors if you use them for a top and bottom
| > background image.
| > I don't really see a reason to introduce this new feature.
| Multiple border images would be nice--that would make it easier to have
| fluid widths with custom border images--but another advantage could be
| corners.  For example, it would be nice to be able to have a style
| definition that adds rounded corner images to text box backgrounds; that
| seems to me like it would be a better use of CSS than tacking on
| rounded-corner strip graphics before and after text boxes, which could
| result in the appearance of different text box padding when some browsers 
| not support ::before and ::after (the top and bottom padding would be less
| than actually desired to make up for the image heights).
| Kind regards,
| Brian Sexton

Received on Monday, 15 November 2004 04:59:57 UTC