Re: [css3-lists] Too many list styles and a proposal to simplifythem

Ernest Cline wrote:
 > Even if the other keywords are kept, I still think my proposal a good
 > one. (with the possible exception of "cjkv-ideographic" if the
 > proposed
 > keywords exhaust the currently used forms).  The proposal would allow
 > for people who want custom or not yet standardized versions of
 > these basic algorithms to use them.  Thus, instead of waiting for
 > "lower-swedish" to be added, a user could go ahead and use
 > ol {list-style: repeating "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö" ".";}

When I write <ol lang="fa" style="list-style-type: numeric;">, I have 
told everything needed.  I want "list-style-type: 'numeric 
"۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹"(persian digits) "."'" in your proposal.  And also when I 
write <ol lang="en" style="list-style-type: nemeric;">, I just want the 
"list-style-type: decimal".

What I try to say is that some data you want user to tell in 
list-style-type, has told in lang attribute.

About the deference between alphabetic, ordered or non-oredered, I think 
it's related to lang attribute too.

And also about the type of cjkv, you can define <ol lang="ja" 
stype="list-style-type: 'numeric informal'">

I think it's more simple than what is in WD now.


Received on Sunday, 14 March 2004 20:23:21 UTC